Saturday, January 24, 2009

Humor as an Assistant

original post date: 10/30/08

The events of the season coupled with the politics of our day are sending me in every direction. Our 4 children are relying on me for specific Mommy support in varied departments of their lives. Lately, humor has assisted me through some tough explanations. Situation, why one item can't be purchased over another. It was more of a turnoff for our ten year old who understands what exlax is in contrast to hershey's chocolate. But our 4year old couldn't grasp the idea until the 7 year old graphicly elaborated the outcome of exlax. What do you do? Give a big smile and say, that's absolutely right man. I've embraced their staunch desire to individually shine. My own childhood is forced to memory when I see their motives in motion. Despite the different directions I'm sometimes forced to go, mandatory laughter makes this journey well worth the trip.

Pray, hope and LAUGH
Much Love, Ms. M
Bobby McFerrin - Dont Worry, Be Happy

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